Storage & Transport

Storage & Transport

Our storage and transport solutions

JOMI LEMAN technology provides the ideal solution in terms of:

  • Cost / Volumes stored and transported ratio,
  • Safety (human/environmental) during transport, storage and use,
  • Flexibility in the distribution method, which facilitates deployment,
  • Low infrastructure costs
    Fast loading and unloading of tanks
  • Additional low CO2 emissions during the process
Pastille d'hydrogène solide

Perfectly suited for:

  • Heavy modes of transport,
  • Coastal industrial ecosystems,
  • Hydrogen transport routes (fleets, cargo ships, etc.)
  • Trade routes (land and sea, etc.)
Avantages de l'hydrogène solide

Tank design and manufacturing

Transport tank

Réservoir de transport

1 rack
Container: 458 Kg (excluding MgH2)
MgH2: 1130 Kg
Total: 1588 kg
Or around 80 kg of H2

80 Kg H2 = 2.640 Kwh

Stationary tank


1 container 1 T H2
Container: 5.757 Kg (excluding MgH2)
MgH2: 14.093 Kg
Total: 19.850 kg
Or around 1.000 kg of H2

1.000 Kg H2 = 33 Mwh

Land transportation

1 semi-trailer

Semi remorque

A semi-trailer transports on average
1360 kg of H2 in complete safety and cleanliness.


3.8 trailers of compressed H2


1 trailer transports 350 kg of H2 compressed at 350 bars, of which only 320 kg is useful.

Standard semi-trailer

  • 1 kg of H2 = 14.2 kg of MgH2
  • 1 tank = 80 kg of H2
  • 17 tanks = 1,360 kg of H2
  • 19.2 tonnes of MgH2
  • Total weight: 27 tonnes

1 semi-trailer = 1360 kg, or 44.8 MWh

Mass ratio

MgH2 tablets

Maritime transport

Jomi Leman Technology

1 Container carrier with a capacity of 10,000 containers, can transport 20% of heavy containers (40 feet), therefore 2,000 tonnes of H2 transported among the rest of the goods…

Porte conteneur

Benefits :
Already existing standard boats
Low costs,
Flexibility of distribution,


Transport of liquid H2

1) Existing Suiso-Frontier ship (in service => Australia – Japan) can transport only 75 tonnes of H2 at -253° C.


2) Super tanker construction project 375,000 m3 (end of 2028)
only able to transport 380 Tons of H2.

Super tanker

Advantages: none
Disadvantages: cost of the boat, cost of transport, small quantity transported, significant risks.

The Jomi Leman solution is more ecological and safer